In 2020, we also have started production of strawberry, which is considered a vitamin bomb. Currently, we have 280 thousand cuttings on a total area of 3 ha.

The cultivation of strawberries of the Elsanta variety  is held in highly specialized, advanced greenhouses with the use of a broad range of innovative technological solutions. These technologies include computer-controlled climate and watering of the substratum and biological protection. We also use teh irrigation system to the intensive nutrition of strawberries. After the seedlings bloom, the inflorescences will be pollinated by bumble-bees

Strawberries in our greenhouses are grown according to the principles of integrated biological protection and Global GAP standards. The first harvest is planned for the beginning of April.

Soon, we can show you more photos from further stages of fruit growth!

If you are interested in our offer, please contact us via the contact form on our page.
